URA showcases innovations towards fighting counterfeits

By Lydia Nakabiri

The Speaker of Parliament has called for the expedited passage of the Anti-Counterfeit Goods and Services (ACG&S) Bill 2023. Rt Hon. Anita Annet Among was speaking during the parliamentary expo/exhibition where Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) is participating. Rt. Hon Among was speaking as the Chief Guest at the Expo where she noted the need to emphasize stricter laws, UNBS audits, and genuine value addition.

This comprehensive bill, tabled by Hon. Asuman Basalirwa, aims at strengthening Uganda’s anti-counterfeiting framework and addressing the increase of fake products in the market, which costs the country a staggering $2.3 billion annually.

URA showcased its tax education and customs initiatives, highlighting the use of advanced technologies such as the Digital Tracking System (DTS) and Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing System (EFRIS) to combat counterfeiting.

The Anti- Counterfeit Network has also been working closely with various stakeholders, including media outlets, legal teams, brand manufacturers, and consumer organizations to promote awareness and protect consumers.

By supporting this bill, URA reaffirms its commitment to promoting tax compliance, combating counterfeiting and safeguarding public health. In the same way the Ag. Supervisor Tax Education Outreach, Hafsah Seguya informed participants about the on-going tax waiver and also urged them to make use of the waiver.

This collaborative engagement is a significant step towards protecting Uganda’s economy and citizens from the harmful effects of counterfeiting.


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