Judiciary benchmarks on URA IT infrastructure for easy case management

By Irene Kabakama, Media Management

The judiciary of Uganda recently conducted a benchmark on the ICT infrastructure of Uganda Revenue Authority to improve the performance of the judiciary ICT through supporting the Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS) an e-government service.

The delegation of six was headed by David Kikabi ICT manager and the ECCMIS project manager with one official from NITA (U) and they benchmarked from the IT systems of URA.

Allen Nasanga, assistant commissioner research and innovation said that to fulfill the mandate which is collecting and mobilizing revenue in a transparent and efficient manner the team needed a fully structured infrastructure to ensure integration of systems.

She added that URA is trying to close all the gaps leading to revenue leakage and ensure visibility and transparency in transaction. This is why we are integrating and coming up with several systems in place that include EFRIS, DTS where we interlink and work with manufacturers.

David Kikabi also noted that ICT has developed a system to help in justifying the mandate through automating the entire case cycle from filing to archiving since they are enormous. These are to be automated so that the judges are able to access the cases online for easy tracking, follow up and reference.

He added that the team is hoping to acquire more skills and knowledge to see how best they can improve the IT infrastructure of servers, configuration and connectivity.


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