Vision Group recognizes URA as strategic partners

Immaculate Wanyenze

Don Wanyama, the CEO Vision Group is willing to support URA empower taxpayers through tax education with the established channels the media has around the country.

Speaking at the URA offices, where he made a courtesy call, Wanyama said that focusing on simplifying tax in the local languages, this will have a far reaching impact than in English. He revealed how vision group had established different upcountry stations that could support URA ‘s agenda.

“We have about 24 million Ugandans that consume media but we have realized that effective messaging best in the local language,” Wanyama explained.

Don Wanyama, the Vision Group CEO making his remarks at the URA offices yesterday

In its 37th year of existence, Vision group boasts of a multimedia establishment that has gained readership over the years cutting across the different platforms of; Newspapers, Magazines, internet publishing, televisions, radios, commercial printing among others. All these are most sought for by the public because of the simplicity in which messages are tailored to suit the different publics.

Yesterday, Wanyama announced 3 additional stations in Kanungu, Kabarole and Gulu. “We are also going into out of home advertising and we have acquired a number of billboards in strategic places. All this is aimed as at increasing more revenue and supporting the general welfare of our country,” he added.

URA Commissioner General(R) gifts Vision Boss

The Commissioner General John Musinguzi, congratulated the Vision group upon their 37 years and appreciated their strategic support in the revenue mobilization journey.

“We trust in your intentions as a government agency and we shall support you in any way we can,” Musinguzi promised.

Mr. Musinguzi(R) receives a plaque from Vision boss for their support as strategic partners

He also added that URA was in a phase of strengthening its relationships in order to bridge the gap with taxpayers.

“Information gap is still a very big problem in taxation. And where there is a gap, bad people take advantage because there is no clarity,” he emphasized.

With Vision Group on board, Musinguzi hopes that they will utilize their platforms to educate taxpayers and empower them with their rights but also simplify the complexity of tax.


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