Kibuli Muslim Hospital lauded for exceptional service

By Joshua Niyonshima

Kibuli Muslim Hospital has received high praise for its outstanding service to Ugandans, with Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) Commissioner General John R. Musinguzi expressing admiration for the hospital’s dedication and sacrifices in saving lives.
During a meeting with the hospital’s management team, led by Prince Kassim Nakibinge, the Titular Head of Muslims in Uganda, Musinguzi acknowledged the hospital’s critical role in providing specialized medical care.

Founded on land donated by Prince Badru Kakungulu in the 1930s, the hospital has grown from a small clinic to a fully operational facility with 150 beds offering various specialties and training programs.

“What you are doing is beyond what man can reward,” Musinguzi said, recognizing the hospital staff’s selfless efforts. We appreciate you, and as individuals in these offices, we promise to serve you to the best of our abilities.
Prince Nakibinge thanked Musinguzi and his team for their visit, saying, “Great thanks to you and your team for taking the initiative to visit us and look into our issues.”
The meeting aimed to strengthen relations between the hospital and URA, promoting tax compliance and awareness about rights and obligations. Musinguzi encouraged Prince Nakibinge to join the cause of spreading the tax gospel to foster compliance.
Kibuli Muslim Hospital’s commitment to serving Ugandans has earned recognition, reinforcing the importance of collaboration between public and private institutions. ‎


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