Teachers urged to be tax education ambassadors

By Robert Lumanyika Wamala

John Bosco Asiimwe, the chairman of the Teachers’ Association in Rukiga district has asked teachers who have completed the URA tax curriculum training to share the acquired knowledge with their counterparts to facilitate knowledge exchange.

Asiimwe who was officiating the closure of a three-day tax curriculum training for secondary school teachers at Bukinda Teachers College in Rukiga district, observed that the training had equipped the teachers with the confidence to tackle tax questions.

“Now that you have acquired this knowledge, you are going to preach a different gospel,” he said. “You are going to pay without being disgruntled, and you will train learners using correct methodologies.”

Dr. Micah Gaalya, the Ag. Assistant Commissioner for Tax Education at URA, made a similar call, saying, “we need to collaborate with you to create more representatives in revenue mobilization.”

URA, in partnership with the National Curriculum Development Center (NCDC), has been training teachers on the secondary school tax curriculum since 2021.

This initiative is part of the rollout of the tax curriculum in secondary schools and tertiary institutions, which began in the financial year 2021/2022.

The curriculum, developed jointly by NCDC and URA, aims to provide students with the knowledge they need to meet their tax obligations once they become employed.

This training was attended by 120 teachers from the districts of Kabale, Ntungamo, Kanungu, Kisoro, Rubanda, Rukiga, Rukungiri, and Mbarara.


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