URA takes tax gospel to Market traders

Dismas Nuwaine

The URA Tax Education team has engaged spare parts traders operating in the Kiseka Market on several sectoral issues. Prominent in the deliberations were matters on, filing of returns, the pros on the Tax Identification Number (TIN), and the workings of Electronic Fiscal receiving and invoicing Solutions (EFRIS), to which the traders keenly addressed their minds.

This is the 4th tax education workshop under the Central Business District campaign this financial year. “It precedes the engagement at the upper side of Mengo Hill road which targeted spare part importers,” said Joshua Muwonge, Team lead.

He highlighted the traders’ primary concern: “Return filing is a pressing issue that many are struggling with. They want to understand the process but often feel lost.”

His team offered tailored solutions, clearly explaining filing dates and procedures, which resonated well with the audience. They also addressed the workings of EFRIS and customs valuation, providing practical demonstrations that informed the attendees.

The CBD excursion, as a deliberate, yet targeted campaign, was launched last financial year after traders had a meeting with the taxman boss, John Musiguzi. They requested him to teach them their rights and obligations before the actual enforcement began.

“Traders wanted to fully understand what they need to pay, how to do it, when to do it, and why it matters,” explained Muwonge, who has been meeting the traders one on one since the campaign began.

This year’s campaign has become more focused, targeting specific sub-sector groups rather than broad categories. “We’re no longer just addressing buildings and arcades; we’re pinpointing the unique needs of different trader groups,” noted Isaac Gyagenda, the Tax Education supervisor.

“When we niche the traders, we easily provide them with information that is relevant to them,” said Gyagenda.


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