URA empowers Business Associations through VITA Training

By Irene Kabakama

The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) recently launched a two-day VITA training program for 30 representatives from the Kampala Development Forum, a business advocacy group comprising block managers and leaders from the Central Business District of Kampala. The training, led by Andrew Kyakonye from the Tax Education division, focused on registration, tax returns, and EFRIS with emphasis on income tax.

This initiative is part of URA’s effort to engage landlords and business associations recognizing their critical role in promoting tax compliance and education.

The VITA team has already trained several associations, including Mbarara City Traders’ Association (MBACITA), Mbale City Traders Association (MACITA), and the Kampala Development Forum which has a partnership with URA to disseminate tax education.

During the training, Kyakonye guided participants through the tax compliance cycle stressing the importance of clear guidelines for tenants and encouraging members to become ambassadors of URA.

Nasser Jjumba, the President of the Kampala Development Forum, highlighted the need for accurate land valuation to avoid unexpected tax notices and urged leaders to ensure proper sensitization and compliance.

The training also addressed practical concerns such as tax payment for shared business spaces. Kyakonye advised maintaining proper business records and emphasized the benefits of accountability.

By empowering business associations through VITA training, URA aims to enhance tax compliance, promote education, and foster a culture of accountability among taxpayers.


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