Jinja enforcement team cracks down on smuggling racket

By Desmond Lumago

Following continuous smuggling syndicates in Jinja, the Jinja enforcement team deployed widely and seized substantial quantities of salt and rice, two essential commodities critical to household consumption and commercial trade. The operation which was intensified following intelligence reports, is part of an ongoing crackdown on illicit trade aimed at ensuring that all goods entering the market adhere to tax requirements.

Acting on a tip-off, the team intercepted a truck, UAM803S, loaded with 12 tons of salt and 1.2 tons of rice. The seizure was followed by a series of targeted operations, resulting in the impounding of:

– 12 tons of Kay Salt from Kenya
– 19 sacks (40kg each) of Basmati rice
– 8 cartons of Fruit cordial juice from UAE
– 2 cartons of Baby cola shampoo from UAE
– 2 cartons of Body scrub from UAE
– 3 cartons of White oats from UAE
– 2 bags (25kg each) of Bahraf rice
– 5 bags (25kg each) of Sana Rice
– 23 bags (5kg each) of Hilal Basmati Rice
– 8 bags (10kg each) of Hilal/Mahamood Basmati rice

This operation demonstrates the team’s commitment to curbing smuggling activities that undermine local economies and regulatory frameworks. Currently, Offense management is ongoing, with further investigations and prosecutions expected to follow.


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