Operation “Smoke Screen” cracks down on cigarette smuggling

By Jackson Nambula Andrew

In a daring raid, the Malaba enforcement team foiled a plot to smuggle cigarettes into the country. The operation was set in motion when a newly recruited informant tipped off authorities about a suspicious vehicle, UBN 672Y, allegedly involved in illicit activities.

Acting swiftly, the Malaba team sprang into action, intercepting the vehicle before it could escape their surveillance net. The driver, a cunning individual who had evaded capture multiple times by disguising himself in smart attire, was finally caught off guard. A brief chase through the streets of Tororo town ensued, ending with the driver’s arrest behind the Central Police Station(CPS), Tororo building.

A thorough search of the vehicle revealed a staggering haul: 1721 bombas, 10 packets, and 20 sticks of supermatch cigarettes. The contraband was seized, the driver, along with his cargo were taken into custody and transported to Kampala for further investigation and prosecution.

This successful operation has marked the tireless efforts by the Malaba enforcement team to crack down on cigarette smuggling. The use of real-time intelligence and swift action outsmarted the smugglers, thus dealing with significant knockback to their illicit operations.

URA will continue to tighten its noose on smuggling syndicates. The public is therefore urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities.


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