Obongi residents call for more tax education

By Jordan Palanda Bosco

Residents of Obongi have urged the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) to conduct more engagements to enhance their understanding of taxes. Speaking at a recent meeting at Obongi Town Primary School, Samuel Bimbaza Hashaka, the Resident District Commissioner emphasized the need for increased tax education.

“Taxes are beneficial for the country but people need to be enlightened to boost their knowledge,” Hashaka said.

He also noted that improving service delivery in Obongi would motivate residents and change their perception about paying taxes.

Abbey Mawerere, the Manager of Customs Field Services, Northern Region, encouraged residents to fulfill their tax obligations, highlighting the benefits of tax compliance.

“If everyone pays their fair share, Uganda’s reliance on foreign debts will reduce, avoiding tougher conditions and higher interest rates,” Mawerere said.

He also showcased government initiatives in the West Nile region, such as connection to the main grid and the Laropi-Koboko road project.

“Let us meet our tax obligations so that the government can do more for the region,” he said.

Meanwhile, the meeting was part of URA’s stakeholder engagement project to address tax-related challenges, sensitize residents on the dangers of smuggling and educate them on taxes. Residents praised URA for providing valuable information with Lokujo Peter noting that the interaction directly addressed concerns and empowered the community.

Makosa Saidi Sebbi, Obongi Town Council town clerk, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the meeting’s impact in changing negative perceptions about paying taxes. He encouraged leaders to support URA’s efforts, highlighting the importance of tax education in promoting compliance and development.


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