Kasese RDC warns against smuggling, encourages compliance

By Kamugisha Kabahweza Allan

Lt. Maate Magwara, the Kasese Deputy Resident District Commissioner has cautioned residents against smuggling emphasizing its detrimental impact on the economy. Speaking at the Customs baraza organized by URA at the Mpondwe One Stop Border Post, Magwara stressed that smuggling deprives the country of vital taxes.

He specifically targeted individuals who purchase goods from the Democratic Republic of Congo for personal use but then resell them in Uganda, warning that this constitutes trade and requires tax payment.

“We can distinguish between traders and individuals buying for family use. Stop pretending to buy small quantities when you’re actually purchasing large amounts,” Magwara warned.

Magwara urged URA to intensify awareness campaigns in border communities to combat smuggling. Joel Kuka Mudumi, the Mid-Western region Customs Manager, echoed this call, asking leaders to support URA in the fight against smuggling to facilitate seamless trade.

Kuka commended female traders for engaging in lawful trade and encouraged them to inspire their male counterparts to do the same.

“I request women to encourage men to abandon smuggling and trade legally. Smuggling is expensive, with short-lived returns, and can result in penalties that consume profits and capital,” he said.

This engagement was part of URA’s efforts to educate taxpayers on customs processes and policies to address challenges faced by traders at borders, and promote tax compliance. By emphasizing the importance of lawful trade, authorities aim to curb smuggling and foster economic growth. ‎


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