Kamwezi teachers invest in tax knowledge

By Carol Nabulime

URA recently hosted teachers from Kamwezi Primary School and educated them on tax administration and systems utilized in revenue collection. The teachers were tipped on, among other things, digital collection systems, e-platforms, tax education initiatives, URA’s focused partnerships, etcetera.

Agnes Nyamwenge, the Manager of Programs at the Tax Academy, encouraged the teachers to visit URA’s online platforms to learn more about tax administration in Uganda.

She underscored the importance of the trainers of trainers program, stating that “because taxes impact everyone, it is important for trainers to ensure that by the time students leave school, they have a basic understanding of how taxes work, their purpose, and how to be compliant.”

In her remarks, Immaculate Wanyenze, the Ag. Manager, Public and Corporate Affairs, appreciated the team for choosing to learn from URA, noting that teachers play a vital role in shaping the minds of future leaders and that it is critical for them to stay informed about the tax matters in order to contribute to their economy.

The teachers also visited the URA Science Lab, the Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) Section, and the Museum.


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