Alur kingdom seeks collaboration on tax education initiatives

By Akinyi Winiefred

Rwoth Ubimu Phillip Rauni Olarker III, the Alur King, has asked the Uganda Revenue Authority to consider partnering with the Kingdom in conducting tax education in the West Nile region.

“People lack the basic information and simplified guidelines on taxes to make it easy for them to comply. I do not think the people of West Nile are uncooperative; you only need to use more friendly approaches and educate the masses so that they may appreciate that URA is not an enemy,” the King said.

He advised the taxman to engage different leaders in the Kingdom and disseminate tax content in languages people understand.

“There are people in my cabinet who are responsible for revenue mobilization, and empowering them with the necessary tax knowledge will enhance sharing, regular engagements, and improved people relationships.”

The King also expressed dissatisfaction with the level of service delivery in West Nile, which he said has contributed to the non-compliance with paying taxes.

“The roads are bad, there are high poverty levels, and there is no major economic activity; real-time service is lacking, and such situations affect revenue collection. There is, therefore, a need for special consideration to be extended to the West Nile region. People should appreciate the payment of taxes through development, and they will comply willingly,” he argued.

In his remarks, Ajiga Mansur, in charge of enforcement in Arua, thanked the king for the hospitality and asked him to support URA in fighting vices like smuggling, which are rampant in the region.

“The West Nile region is known for smuggling of fuel, contraband such as dangerous cosmetics, and ignorance of the masses on taxes. We are faced with challenges like hostility from the community, to which we request the leaders at all levels to interest themselves and condemn strongly.”

Clare Sanyu, the Stakeholder Coordinator for the West Nile region, underscored the importance of the visit, remarking that “influential people like King Rwoth will ultimately help to bridge the gap between URA and the taxman.

She also rallied the King to sensitize his subjects about the ongoing motor vehicle registration.

“The deadline for promotional consideration for motorcycle registration is June 30, 2024, but people are still riding numberless motorcycles. We hope that you can pass on this message to your subjects,” said Sanyu.


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