Day: June 13, 2024

Alur kingdom seeks collaboration on tax education initiatives

By Akinyi Winiefred Rwoth Ubimu Phillip Rauni Olarker III, the Alur King, has asked the Uganda Revenue Authority to consider partnering with the Kingdom in conducting tax education in the West Nile region. “People lack the basic information and simplified guidelines on taxes to make it easy for them to comply. I do not think …

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URA set to sign MOUs with clearing agents

By Jacquiline Emodek Uganda Revenue Authority is set to sign Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with various clearing agent associations to streamline business. This development follows a recent meeting between Abel Kagumire, the Commissioner of Customs, and various heads of clearing and forwarding associations, where they discussed this prospect. Currently, there are three registered clearing agent …

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