URA deploys cargo scanner at Goli OSBP

By Kamugisha Kabahweza Allan

URA has installed a mobile inspection cargo scanner at the Goli one-stop border post on the Uganda-DR Congo border in Nebbi District. The mobile X-ray scanner is fitted with Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technology, which allows for the inspection of cargo without opening containers.

URA’s NII Contracts Manager, Brian Ahimbisibwe, confirmed that the scanner was tested and found to be functional.

“We conducted a site acceptance test and confirmed the scanner’s functionality and its ability to meet URA’s high standards. The equipment performed exceptionally well, generating high-quality images that will empower image analysts to draw accurate conclusions and support effective border security and revenue compliance measures.”

He explained that the scanner will be integrated into the existing eScan system to allow for centralized image analysis and supervision at the NII Centralized Monitoring and Command Center (CMCC), at the URA headquarters in Nakawa.

This center currently oversees a total of 14 cargo scanners deployed across Uganda, ensuring comprehensive border security and efficient cargo clearance.

Using the NII scanner, URA will be able to effectively inspect goods and vehicles entering and exiting Uganda through the border post.

Ahimbisibwe emphasized that URA is committed to utilizing cutting-edge technology to enhance border security, facilitate legitimate trade, and ensure the smooth flow of goods.


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