URA staff trained on taxation of the digital economy

By Kamugisha Kabahweza Allan

URA staff were recently equipped on how to navigate the complex tax landscape of the digital economy and provide valuable guidance to individuals and businesses operating in this space.

The training was conducted by the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD).

It benefited staff from the Tax Education Unit, Business Policy, Petroleum Division, International Tax, and the Tax Investigations Department.

“I urge this team to now apply all that they have learned by putting the knowledge to the test. Support our people. I want to see that value,” Mbabazi said.

Speaking at the closure of the two-day training at the Skyz Protea Hotel, URA’s Assistant Commissioner for Learning and Development, Irene Mbabazi, urged the trainees to apply the knowledge earned in their work for the betterment of Uganda.

She also challenged them to close all revenue leakages in international tax, share knowledge with their colleagues, and provide feedback.

“It is our role to share this knowledge with our fellow staff. You can break it down into small, minute levels that may fit the small size. Please also give us feedback, especially on where you want us to focus and on the things that you think need to be more impactful.”

Mbabazi also applauded the IBFD, DRM4D, and the Ministry of Finance for tailoring programs that empower URA staff to mobilize revenue for national development.


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