URA Commends Muslim Community on Compliance

By Joshua Niyonhima. Media Management

The Commissioner General of Uganda Revenue Authority John Musinguzi has appreciated the Muslim business community for paying taxes and encouraged them to continue in the same spirit.

Speaking at the iftar dinner hosted by URA yesterday, Musinguzi said the Muslim community has exhibited high levels of compliance with most traders contributing tax.

“I would like to acknowledge and uphold the business community who are here, we thank you for the support you give us in collecting revenue. Your business mind and honesty in paying taxes is great. The Spirit of brotherhood, friendship and love for our nation should continue between us as we serve the almighty God,” he said.

He also called on the Muslims to emulate the core values of URA that is, Patriotism, Professionalism and Integrity which align with the reasons for fasting.

“The core value for patriotism transcends the love for religion, we will uphold Integrity, I don’t expect a good Christian to be corrupt neither do I for a good moslem, Patriotism to be better citizens or workers and this is what we shall promote as a nation,” Musinguzi.

In his address, Kin Kariisa Director Next Media Services commended URA for the renewed efforts in tax education especially during the Salaam Barazas. Kariisa revealed that compliance has improved among the Muslim community because of the engagements they have with URA during the Barazas.

“In the past, people would run away from URA staff, it is different today. I have discovered that because of the ongoing Salaam Barazas particularly on tax, the business community is currently free with URA, ready to register their businesses and pay tax,” he said.

Alhaji Jaffer Abdallah Chairman Uganda Clearing Industry and Forwarding Association commended the Customs department on facilitating business through efficient clearing of goods.

The URA moslem Iftar dinner is an annual event held to identify with tax payers in the moslem community. This year’s dinner was presided over by Sheikh Hassan Kigozi the Chairperson URA moslem community and it brought together Muslim Community leaders, business men and executives among others.


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