Illicit fuel fight, 4000 liters seized in Madi Opei

By Kabahweza Kamugisha Allan, Media Management

The Madi-Opei Enforcement team has recovered over 4,000 liters of fuel, 200 liters of cooking oil and assorted prohibited cosmetics in Kitgum and Lamwo districts that had been smuggled into Uganda.

This is after the team spent the greater part of last week traversing the two districts with the aim of deterring illicit fuel trade that has recently cropped up in different areas across the northern region.

Customs Officer Moses Okoth noted that smuggling not only distorts the market but also poses a great danger to the smugglers themselves who go as far as keeping the fuel in their houses or mix it with food items in shops. He explained that they also found some of the fuel especially in small bottles to have changed color as a result of exposure to extreme heat and thus its quality had deteriorated.

The team canvassed areas of Madi-Opei, Mucwini, Akwang, Pajimo, Potika, Padibe, Paloga, Lukung, Ngomoromo, Palabek-Gem, Palabek-Kal, and Palabek-Ogili looking for suspected smugglers.

After a two-day hunt characterized by extreme heat, dust and thirst, the team’s efforts did not go unrewarded as they managed to recover the following;

  • 210 Jerrycans X 20 Liters of fuel (Petrol & Diesel)
  • 11 Jerrycans X 20 Liters of Cooking Oil
  •  37 Packets of dry tobacco leaves – locally made and packed
  •  275 Tins of prohibited cosmetics (Caro Light, Maxi Light, Coco Pulp, Cocoderm, Princess Claire, Peau Claire, White Secret, Beaution) – COO: DRC, Togo & Ivory Coast

URA recently held an engagement with leaders in West Nile to identify the major cause of the continued fuel smuggling in the region and together with local leaders, Police and UPDF, they agreed to carry out a joint operation to curb the vice.

Offence management is under way.


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