Kikuubo traders receive free electronic fiscal devices from URA

By Kabahweza Kamugisha Allan, Media Management

Uganda Revenue Authority has commenced distribution of Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) to traders in the  Kikuubo business area to support their usage of the Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing Solution (EFRIS).

This follows prior meetings with the traders who requested for free EFDs so as to become ambassadors of EFRIS.

Speaking at the trader’s offices, Hafsah Seguya URA’s tax literacy expert said the devices will empower shop owners to track their stock, sales, keep proper business records and control thefts by shop attendants.

She elucidated that the devices will also help in filing returns, saying that since the machines will be issuing out e-invoices to customers, URA’s system will auto populate the information for traders into their returns.

EFDs are point of sale machines used to issue instant e-receipts or e-invoices with both online and offline operation modes. They can transmit records and authenticate business transactions in real time.

Handing over the machines , Assistant Commissioner for Compliance, Emmanuel Bichetero Asiimwe urged the traders to support URA officers during revenue collection. He also encouraged them to acquire tax knowledge through discourse with the taxman, tax sensitization meetings, and listening to tax-related radio shows.                               

According to Bichetero, URA intends to give out 100 EFDs to compliant traders as a token of appreciation for filing returns in time and prompt payment of taxes. He explained that for a trader to qualify for a free EFD, one has to be registered for Value Added Tax (VAT), registered for EFRIS and files returns on time.

He emphasized that URA will continue easing the processes to enable the taxpayer comply with tax laws that are in place as well as grow their businesses.


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