Month: June 2024

URA to boost Revenue collection to UGX 31.98Tn

By Kamugisha Kabahweza Allan and Kabakama Irene The URA has pledged to bolster its tax administration efforts to achieve its revenue target of UGX 31.98 trillion for the 2024/25 financial year. Speaking at the East African Community post Budget Dialogue held at Hotel Africana, Catherine Donovan, the URA Commissioner Legal Services acknowledged that collecting revenue …

URA to boost Revenue collection to UGX 31.98Tn Read More »

URA joins forces with the clergy to preach tax compliance in West Nile

By Joshua Niyonshima In a unique approach to promoting tax compliance, URA staff in West Nile joined congregants at Emmanuel Cathedral in Madi West diocese to pray against non- compliance. The service led by Rev. Jimmy Candia brought together URA officials, religious leaders and the business community to seek divine intervention in the fight against …

URA joins forces with the clergy to preach tax compliance in West Nile Read More »

URA rallies taxpayers ahead of June 30

By Kamugisha Kabahweza Allan As the financial year draws to a close, the Uganda Revenue Authority is conducting a country-wide revenue mobilization campaign to remind taxpayers to file their end-of-year returns and clear outstanding tax liabilities. The exercise, according to Michael Masembe, the Ag. Manager of Tax Education at URA is targeting taxpayers whose returns …

URA rallies taxpayers ahead of June 30 Read More »

URA officer denied bail over abuse of office

By Kamugisha Kabahweza Allan The Anti-Corruption Court has today remanded Francis Wodero, a URA officer over abuse of office leading to revenue loss. Presiding over the case, Her Worship Asiimwe Esther charged Wodero with uplifting Value Added Tax (VAT) amounting toUGX 301,100,831/= without lawful justification. Prosecution led by Hilda Atusimiire and Patricia Ndagire told the …

URA officer denied bail over abuse of office Read More »

URA brings manufacture-focused training to ease compliance

By Joshua Niyonshima In a bid to empower small taxpayers with a deeper understanding of taxes, URA has introduced specialized training sessions. Every Wednesday, manufacturers gather at the UMA to sharpen their tax skills. The recent manufacturing return filing class at UMA covered crucial topics including booking, VAT fraud and prevention and timely return filing. …

URA brings manufacture-focused training to ease compliance Read More »

Kikuubo taxpayer service center launched to ease compliance

By Irene Kabakama The Commissioner General of URA, John R. Musinguzi has launched a taxpayer service center in Kikuubo to bring services closer to taxpayers. The center aims to ease compliance for traders who previously had to travel to Nakawa and Boulevard for tax services. During the launch, Musinguzi said that the initiative was designed …

Kikuubo taxpayer service center launched to ease compliance Read More »

URA empowers businesses at the Eastern trade fair

By Kamugisha Kabahweza Allan URA has taken its taken tax education to the 13th Eastern Trade fair, encouraging businesses to comply through its business solutions of Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing Solution (EFRIS). During the engagement, the URA team demystified myths around EFRIS as a solution that will mitigate tax administration through improved record keeping …

URA empowers businesses at the Eastern trade fair Read More »

URA cracks down on tax evaders, intercepts goods worth 64 million

John Olowo As the financial year draws to a close, URA has cracked down on tax evaders flouting tax laws. Acting on intelligence, the URA ‘s team One conducted a week-long operation recently in the suburbs of Namayiba bus park, Gayaza, Kayunga and Nakasongola lake shores, targeting evaders and smugglers. The operation resulted in the …

URA cracks down on tax evaders, intercepts goods worth 64 million Read More »

URA empowers 34 business startups on formalization and record keeping

By Joshua Niyonshima In a bid to promote business growth and tax compliance, URA has equipped 34 business startups with knowledge on their rights and obligations, business formalization, tax incentives and non-tax incentives offered by Government. In a one-day training session held at Motiv Bugolobi, URA aimed to educate startups on the importance of formalizing …

URA empowers 34 business startups on formalization and record keeping Read More »

Manufacturers trained on accessing Duty remission benefits

By Joshua Niyonshima URA has trained manufacturers to boost Import substitution and export growth, driving Uganda ‘s GDP forward. This training which was held at UMA hall provided insights on the duty remission scheme and its benefits. Brenda Wenene, the Ag. Assistant Commissioner of Trade noted that proper record-keeping and tax compliance are key to …

Manufacturers trained on accessing Duty remission benefits Read More »