Enforcement team in Mpondwe and Jinja outsmart smugglers, recover textile

Last Saturday, the URA enforcement team in Mpondwe received a

tip –off from a trusted informant about a suspicious shipment of bitenge being smuggled from the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) into Uganda. The informant reported that several sacks of bitenge had been transported across a porous border point along the Lubiriha river and hidden in a banana plantation near the river.

Acting swiftly on this intelligence, the URA team coordinated with the informant to verify the information and dived in to intercept the contraband. Upon arrival, they fund 11 sacks of bitenge buried under banana fibers in an attempt to conceal them.

Richard Mutabaruka, an enforcement team member revealed that, the operation was met with resistance from a group of youthful smugglers who attempted to grab the bitenge and pelt the operation team with stones. A chase ensued as the smugglers fled into the plantation and the team managed to secure all the 11 sacks and restore calm in the area.

Thanks to the swift action of the team, a significant revenue of UGX 100,320,000 was saved.

In another operation, a Toyota Harrier was intercepted in Bugembe, Jinja

conveying unaccustomed textiles. The team laid an ambush around Kakira Sugar plantation but failed to net the errant driver, reason: their car got a flat tyre.

With the team ‘s continued vigilance, the driver was caught offloading bales of textiles in different residences.

URA reiterates its resolve to fight smuggling and illicit trade, ensuring Uganda ‘s economy is free from economic saboteurs who seek to undermine it.


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