URA partners with manufacturers for EFRIS awareness

By Kamugisha Kabahweza Allan

Uganda Revenue Authority, in conjunction with the Uganda Manufacturers Association has embarked on weekly training sessions to empower manufacturers with practical skills in using EFRIS.

The practical training sessions began this week at the UMA offices in Lugogo.

During the opening the first session, Nkutu Mubarak, the Director of Membership and Business Development at UMA implored manufacturers to attend the scheduled trainings to enhance their understanding of EFRIS.

“I am appealing to you to be very candid. Don’t hide anything. You have so many pain points that you need to discuss with URA. Please discuss very candidly so that you get knowledge on EFRIS,” Nkutu said.

He added that aside from traders, manufacturers also encounter challenges while using EFRIS.

“It has been an issue of late, especially for traders, but I know the manufacturers somewhere, somehow, are also affected.”

URA’s Deus Mugasho told the manufacturers that once EFRIS is rolled out extensively, it will not only help them in stock management and simplifying return filing but also level the taxpaying field.

“EFRIS is going to uncover unscrupulous manufacturers, persons without TINs, taxpayers who meet the VAT threshold, and level the ground for better competition,” he asserted.

He called on the manufacturing sector to fully embrace EFRIS, adding that it has been adopted in the East African region.

The manufacturers, however, asked URA to also execute its function of advising the Minister on revenue implications, tax administration, and aspects of policy changes to widen the tax base.

UMA’s Director of Policy and Advocacy, Muzamir Muhamed Mabira, applauded URA for heeding the call to train manufacturers on EFRIS usage.


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