URA seizes smuggled cigarettes in a major operation

By Ruth Ainebyoona

In a major operation, URA successfully intercepted a truck loaded with smuggled cigarettes. There was close collaboration between URA officials and law enforcement agencies which resulted in the seizure of a significant amount of contraband goods.

According to Peter Sebyoto, the Team Leader Karuma Customs, the team received intelligence of a truck which had parked in the outskirts of Gulu town for a couple of days as the smugglers tried to find ways of beating the Karuma tactical check point.

“We recruited an informer within the racket who kept updating us on the smuggler’s next move. By 10:00pm, the truck, registration number UBM 182H(Tata) finally reached Karuma with empty plastic drums filled to the bream,” Sebyoto narrated.

Intercepted cigarettes concealed in empty drums

Acting on a tip-off, URA officials were able to monitor the movements of the truck and gather crucial intelligence with which they carefully planned an operation. The truck was intercepted at the Karuma tactical checkpoint. The driver, unaware of the URA’s intelligence, was ordered to park the truck within the customs fence and wait for offloading the next morning.

Sebyoto confirmed that the truck was fully offloaded and 96 Cartons of Oris cigarettes (Germany blend) were found.

The truck and the goods are under custody at URA head office and offence management is underway.

For URA, the seizure of the smuggled cigarettes is part of the ongoing efforts to combat smuggling and ensure compliance with tax regulations.


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