URA advocates for customs modernization and capacity building at WCO Council Meeting

By Isaac Lubaale

Uganda Revenue Authority has lobbied for accreditation opportunities for experts and trainers in the areas of valuation, tariff classification, and customs modernization. The authority also pushed for tailored training programs in data modeling and simulation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to address Uganda’s existing challenges effectively.

These requests were made by Abel Kagumire, the Commissioner of Customs at URA, while speaking at the 141st/142nd World Customs Organization (WCO) Council Meeting in Brussels, Belgium.

As the highest decision-making body of the WCO, the Council convenes annually to discuss critical customs issues that impact administrations worldwide and to devise effective and timely solutions for member nations. The focus areas this year included Capacity Building, Rules of Origin, Valuation, Classification, compliance, and Trade Facilitation, as well as pertinent governance matters.

Kagumire expressed his gratitude to the Secretary General, Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, and the Council Chairperson, Ahmed Al Khalifa, for their exceptional leadership in advancing the global customs agenda and highlighting the WCO’s ongoing capacity-building initiatives, particularly the recent Middle Management Development program that equipped URA staff with crucial leadership skills.

During the meeting, delegates also unanimously resolved to support the WCO Action Plan on Fragile Borders and Conflict-Affected Countries. Delegates stressed the importance of customs adapting to such challenging situations to provide for the movement of both general and humanitarian goods. The urgent need for a Modernization Plan in response to the rapid technological and digital transformation of customs operations was passionately emphasized.

The successful resolution of the Council Meeting fortifies the WCO’s role as a driving force behind harmonizing customs systems and promoting global trade facilitation.

Additionally, the delegates elected Ian Saunders from US Customs and Border Protection as the new Secretary General, Succeeding Dr. Philippe Kokou Tchodie, Commissioner General of the Togo Revenue Authority and Edward Kieswetter, Commissioner of the South African Revenue Service, was elected Chairperson of the Council. The two will assume their roles in January 2024.

With the newly elected Secretary General and Council Chairperson in control, the WCO is well-positioned to lead the way forward in addressing the evolving challenges of the customs environment.

URA’s active participation at the WCO Council Meeting showcases Uganda’s commitment to customs modernization and capacity building. As Uganda continues its journey towards a more efficient and technologically advanced customs system, the nation stands assured of benefiting from the collective expertise and support of the international customs community.


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