DTS fraudster fined for forged tax stamps

By Joshua Niyonshima

The Anti-corruption court in Kampala has ordered Balya Mujuni Haithum to pay a fine of UGX10m or face imprisonment of up to 8months for affixing forged digital tax stamps on products.

Information from court indicated that Mujuni, Bwambale Moses Muzigiti, and others who are still at large, in the month of November 2021 while in Kasese affixed forged tax stamps on 187 cartons of Rahaa waragi defrauding the country of UGX 1,221,264 in tax. With this, Mujuni acted contrary to Sec 19(a)2 of the Tax Procedures Code Act 2014 which states that stamps can only be affixed as prescribed by the Commissioner.

Mujuni was therefore charged a fine of 10 million Shillings by Her Worship Esther Asiimwe after consenting to committing the crime. According to URA’s legal Counsel Lomuria Thomas Davis, the respondent’s admission followed engagements between him and URA through the Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism.

“Alternative Tax Dispute Resolution is the way to go for the rest of the taxpayers with disputes and who want to be like Mujuni. It is a win-win situation for URA and the taxpayer,” Lomuria explained.

“Majority of traders and manufacturers in the country have willingly received the innovation since it fastens business processes. However, those that are trying to undermine URA’s efforts in generating revenue for national development are to be dealt with in accordance with the law,” Bbossa affirmed.

Bbossa also emphasized that the penalty for counterfeit digital tax stamps can go up to UGX 20m but Mujuni was only charged 10million shillings because of his confession.


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