Nakasongola Taxpayers want more tax education

By Kabahweza Kamugisha Allan and photograhy by Kyambadde Gabriel

Residents of Nakasongola district have requested URA for more outreach programs on tax education to enable them appreciate tax compliance. The request was made during a just concluded URA outreach program in Luwero sub region.

The URA tax katale outreach program is a door-to-door sensitization campaign that is intended to equip traders with knowledge on their tax rights and obligations and brings on board more taxpayers to the tax register.

During the two-day outreach program, 140 new taxpayers were registered.

URA Station Head, Luwero Domestic Taxes, Charles Siminyu noted that the turn up was great, as tax payers flocked the tent in large numbers to get tax identification numbers (TINs) and assessments, as well as get consultation from the officials.

The area local Council official Wilson Sembatya appreciated URA for taking services closer to the people which he said reduces on the cost of getting services offered by the organization.

Siminyu explained that Nakasongola had not yet been reached in terms of tax sensitization and education outreaches, therefore more outreach programs are required to bring more taxpayers on board.


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