Busia enforcement team impounds truck with smuggled garments

By Simon Ssentale Wasswa

Following intelligence reports of Truck Reg No UAZ 311H that had loaded items from Kenya, the URA Busia enforcement team deployed at all the notable porous areas. On the day of operation, by 6:00am, all the common routes of Majanji, Butebo and Sofia were covered waiting for the said truck.

Unfortunately, by 7:00am, there was still no show of the truck. The teams decided to withdrawal but kept their ears on ground.

“At around 4:00am, we received a call from another informant of a truck that had broken-down around Busia-Tororo Road and was under repair,” Ssentale narrated.

The sacks of clothes paraded at the URA offices in Busia for verification

The team responded immediately and to their surprise it was the same truck they were hunting for. On seeing the URA customs staff, the driver and the mechanics took off for fear of further investigations.

“We had to look around for other mechanics who repaired the truck and we drove to the Busia office,” he added.

Some of the Hilal Basmati rice that had been smuggled from Kenya

At the office, it was discovered that the truck had been loaded with a number of assorted smuggled items to include; 2400 kilograms of Hilal basmati rice, 780 pairs of plastic assorted crocs,100 cartons of electric assorted lights, 468 pieces of assorted blouses,1139 pieces of assorted dresses, 2008 assorted t-shirts, 799 pieces of assorted jeans,192 pieces of assorted leggings and 4776 pieces of polyester jerseys.


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