Joshua Niyonshima
Illicit traders have been estimated to cost Uganda UGX. 30Bn annually through Illicit Financial Flows (IFF) as they draw off the ill-gotten money out of the country hence sabotaging socio-economic development. The detail of such reports sometimes may never get known unless highly publicised. This is why the URA Tax Investigations Office in partnership with Thomson Reuters Foundation trained journalists at the African Centre for Media Excellence (ACME). The training was also aimed at equipping journalists with skills to write and report better on the subject.
In her presentation, Norah Namataka from the Tax Investigations team noted that the continuous concealment of goods, under declaring and smuggling are key practices in illegal trade.
During interactions, the journalists asked what URA was doing about Double Tax Agreements (DTA), offshore accounts and wildlife crime as other key issues affecting illicit financial flows.
In response, Namataka informed journalists of current measures URA has put in place to fight Tax crime to include; information sharing with other countries, Integration of systems with Partner agencies, automation of systems, and joint operations with other institutions.
On Tax Justice, she explained to the journalists the process of tax appeals that begins with the Tax Appeals Tribunal, High court and the Supreme Court.
She also encouraged them to interest themselves in research especially information online so as to write rich stories.
“Always read and consult URA for additional detail. This way, we will all be developing Uganda together,” Namataka advised.