Angola Revenue Administration benchmarks on URA ’s Single Window System

Elizabeth Nakiru

Recently, a team from the Angola Revenue Administration visited URA to benchmark on the application of the Single Window System.

The Electronic Single Window System(ESWS) facilitates taxpayers especially traders and government regulatory agencies involved in international trade to lodge information and documents within a single entity. This is intended for fulfilling import, export and transit trade documentation requirements.

The 13-member team was led by Alcides Peliganga, the Senior Officer Information Technology Directorate at the Angola Revenue Administration. During the visit, they interfaced with the Single Window system in regards to operational licenses, the import and export permits and certificates, the ASYCUDA World enhancements and also visited the Document Processing Center and the URA data center.  

Abel Kagumire, the Commissioner Customs informed the Angolan delegation that all the URA Customs systems had been automated and the latest being the Bonded Warehouse Information Management system(BWIMS) that is expected to improve cargo supply chain visibility, information sharing, ease stock management and facilitate cargo clearance in Bonded warehouses.

Kagumire also utilized the opportunity to recognize the different agencies URA is working with to ease clearance at border posts like Uganda Police.

“We have digital tax stamps that track and give us data on manufactured products for tax purposes, this is something you can also take on,” Kagumire advised.


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