Making a Business formal

URA will issue you with a TIN through your email address given at the point of application.


  1. Is a unique 10-digit numeric number starting with 1 and is used for all tax purposes a person is registering for.
    1. Diff erentiates one taxpayer from another and is supposed to be quoted on all business transactions of that person.
    1. Is sent to one’s email indicating the eff ective date of registration and password. These are used to create an account on the URA website.

NOTE: Any person engaged in any income generating activity is required to register for taxes.

What do you need when registering for a TIN?

Type of registrationCategoryDocuments required
Individual applicationsi) IndividualA National Identity Card or any two IDs such as Passport, Voters Card, Drivers Permit, NSSF Card, Employment ID, Bank Statement, Village ID,  Work Permit, Local Council ID
ii) Sole proprietorCertifi cate of registration, Statement of particulars in addition to a National ID or any two in (i) above
Non Individual applications    CompanyTIN of Directors, Company Form 7 or 20, Certifi cate of incorporation

Step 3 – Registration with the Local Council Authority (e.g. KCCA)

A Trading license is permission granted by a controlling authority to someone upon application to do something in a prescribed manner, usually after fulfi llment of certain conditions and/or payment of a fee.

  1. At the local council authority, upon approval of a Trading License application, you will be given a trading license to enable you operate your business in a delineated Local Authority country wide.
  2. “Trade” or “trading” means the selling of goods and services for which a license is required in any trading premise. A trading «premise» includes any structure attached to the land, whether of a permanent or temporary nature.
  3. A trading license is valid for twelve months from the date of issue and expires immediately at the lapse of the twelve months after which it must be immediately renewed.

Requirements for Trade License application

NationalsNon Nationals
Identification: A National ID or Any 2 of the following – Passport/Driving Permit/ / Employment ID/Financial Card for individuals and for Directors in the case of non-individualsClearance from Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives for non – East Africans. Clearance from OPM for refugeesIdentifi cation of the sole trader
URSB Registration Certifi cate for individuals/ original certifi cate of incorporation of the company for the new business
Statement of particulars for individuals and Company forms 7/Company for 20 for nonindividuals
A Tax Identifi cation Number (TIN)
Original Trading License for the previous year for an already existing business
Original KCCA receipt for the previous year for an already existing business
Original rental receipt and tenancy agreement from the land lord for the new business.
The client must be of at least 18 years of age and if a minor, should be in partnership with a person above 18 years of age.

What do I do next after registering my business with URA?

After registering with URA and obtaining a TIN, you will be required to;

A. Create an account on the URA web portal.

  • Go to the URA web portal at
  • On the top right corner, click “Login”
  • Input your Login ID (TIN)
  • For fi rst time login, check your email address (declared during registration) for the default password and use this to login
  • Change your password and submit
  • Go back to the home page and login using your new password

b. Timely filing of tax returns

You are required to declare to URA your income for a tax period, determine the taxable income and calculate the tax due on that income through selfassessment – also known as fi ling of returns. You can contact URA for assistance

  • Timely payment of taxes due

The date a payment for taxes is expected (due date) is same as the return due date. You can make payments for any tax type to URA using the onIine payment registration process under the e-Services icon; payment registration. Payment can be made through the bank, via Mobile money, payway, VISA card etc

  • Keep proper business records

It is very important for taxpayers to;

  • Keep proper records to make it easy for them to determine the tax liability.
  • Keep records for fi ve years for future reference.
  • Keep proper records of all business transactions in the English language or request for permission from URA to keep them in another language

What are the benefits of registering a business?

  1. Competitive: Registration makes it easy for you to bid for provision of goods, works and services as well as marketing and cross border trade

(imports and exports)

  • Growth and continuity: Enhanced business reputation leads to a broader and loyal clientele, which is essential for business expansion and growth. c) Ease of accessing investment license and related incentives: Being formal makes you visible hence more opportunities and support from the government.
  • It helps distinguish one’s business from other similar businesses hence building brand loyal ty and strength
  • It gives the owner of the business a sense of ownership and identity with the registered name.
  • In case of a company, liability lies with the entity and not the owner(s) of the business.
  • Easy access to acquisition of a Tax Clearance Certificate from URA.
  • Better access to financial services e.g. bank loans and other Government fi nancial interventions that are essential for business expansion
  • Credibility: Failure to have formalized business operations means a lack of credibility. Formalizing your business builds trust with your clients e.g. selling products that are not branded/registered cannot make you compete favorably on the market.
  • Attracting investors: You may have struck gold in a niche market and others venturing into the same market may want to buy into your establishment but that will require you to be formally registered.
  • Acquiring a TIN helps you process land transactions and eases payment of stamp duty on land transfers and motor vehicle applications.
  • Formalization helps you claim tax refunds where you could have paid excess taxes.
  • Acquiring a trading license from a Local Government/ KCCA helps you to undertake business in the respective jurisdiction.


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