By Akinyi Winiefred
At the beginning of this week, the URA tax education outreach team in collaboration with the Gulu Domestic taxes rolled out a 5-day tax education exercise to benefit residents of Gulu and the surrounding areas.
The team started with small towns on the outskirts of the metropolis a strategy that proved fruitful as it allowed them to tap into unexplored areas.
The emerging towns of Minakulu and Bobi displayed their tax potential as the team collected UGX 15M in two days. Teeming with wholesale shops, medium-sized petrol stations, and retail shops, the two towns are ones to watch out for as the taxman looks to widen her tax base.
Isaac Musinguzi, the Ag. Station Head of Gulu DT, could not agree more.
“In just two days, we have collected 15,921,020, which is 25% of our February target. This was only possible with the support of Tujenge bus; we managed to penetrate towns that had not yet been explored.”
He also noted that the team’s reach is hindered by the thin numbers on the ground.
“There are still more towns that are yet to be reached, but because there is a limited number of staff, we cannot cover all areas. We request more support to reach all areas and maximize our collections.”
Isaac Gyagenda, the Ag. Supervisor tax education outreach-northern region underscored the importance of having a URA presence in small towns.
“Our continued presence and visibility in front of these taxpayers creates awareness about taxes,” Isaac stated. “It can be challenging to go into these towns once they have blossomed.”
He added that early engagement allows URA to build rapport with taxpayers, something that the taxman can leverage in the future.
Residents commended URA for bringing services closer but asked for more engagements to better understand their obligations.
“You need to partner with our local leaders and conduct mass awareness,” said Bernard Bua, a produce dealer in Minakulu A.
For the remaining days, the team will comb areas of Anaka, Bardege, and Gulu CBD. They will then proceed to Kitgum to extend similar services.