Hoima intercepts notorious cosmetics smuggler   

By John Lubakwidha

As the new financial year begins, the URA Hoima team has already made significant bust intercepting a notorious smuggler who had been evading taxes.

Following intelligence reports, the team deployed at Lunga landing site along Lake Albert in Buliisa district, where they had received tips about a smuggler known as Musa.

Musa was known to use the boat to ferry cosmetics from Democratic Republic of Congo through Lunga, taking advantage of the wee hours to avoid detection.

However, on this particular day, Musa ‘s tricks failed. The team, which had been monitoring his movements, caught up with him as he was attempting to transport the cosmetics to Kampala in his Nissan Patrol vehicle of registration number UAP039V.

Despite attempts to tamper with the wiring of his vehicle to avoid arrest, Musa was eventually apprehended and the cosmetics were impounded. The goods which included 87 cartons of contraband cosmetics containing hydroquinone, have since been transferred to the customs warehouse for further management which includes destruction.

Meanwhile, the goods included; 14 cartons of clairemen Lotion, 38 cartons of carolight crème, 35 cartons of coco Pulp crème and 3 cartons of citrolight Crème

The URA team ‘s swift action demonstrates commitment to combating tax evasion and smuggling, ensuring a level trading ground for all legitimate traders to contribute their fair share of revenue.


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