URA equips university students with hands-on tax knowledge

This week, officials from URA are traversing different universities in the country to equip practical skills in tax among the university students. They have visited Uganda Martyrs University, Bishop Stuart University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Kabale University, Makerere University and Makerere Business School.

According to Isaac Gyagenda, the training is aimed at enabling University Tax Society Students acquire valuable hands-on experience in related tax matters while giving back to their communities. Some of these skills include; TIN registration, Income tax returns filing, returns amendment procedures, tax refund qualification among others.

The training also dubbed Volunteer Income Tax Assistance(VITA) is part of the URA outreach programs intended to create a tax alert generation.

“Tax education in higher institutions of learning will re-awaken students to their citizenry role of paying taxes,” Gyagenda added.

Like in many countries, taxpayers’ behavior in Uganda is still a concern for revenue authorities. Studies have also shown that taxpayer’s compliance can be affected by a number of factors but education is key. These trainings are ongoing and will spread to all regions in the country to strengthen tax education in all universities.

Meanwhile, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is a program that has been designed to engage University Tax Society members or students into tax preparation services.

Additional Reporting by Immaculate Wanyenze


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