Team one Customs intercepts concealed textile in a truck

By Immaculate Wanyenze

More than 12, 747 square meters of textile where fond tucked in the boot of the spare wheel in a fuso truck number; UBE 914H.

The irony with this particular truck is that they had proper customs documentation for the garments yet had concealed other material in a different boot.

However, with the high intelligence, the celebration of the smugglers was cut short. These had successfully evaded customs duties and where driving to Kampala to enjoy their abnormal profits. Their truck was impounded and all smuggled items in it.

During verification in Nakawa, the following items were discovered;950 kilograms of rubber sheets,115 leather offcuts,46 rolls of polycotton materials,3 rolls of polycotton spandix material and120 pieces of dyed polyester materials. Other materials included; 40 rolls of inner lining materials, 1 sack of craft jewelries, 1 sack of plastic tugs,5 pieces of electronic scales, 12 pieces of electronic scales, 5 pieces of animal weight tapes, 5 sets of animal syringes and 1 carton of kifaru.

Even with continuous tricks from smugglers, Abel Kagumire, the Commissioner Customs explained that URA has automated 90% of its processes and procedures to detect any illegal goods.

URA has intensified intelligence guided operations leveraging the use of Non-Intrusive Inspection technology at the border points and field intelligence enforcement operations.


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