URA courts Boda boda riders on their tax compliance

By Joshua Niyonshima

Over 180 boda boda operators have been trained on advance income tax, duplication of registration books and number plates in an engagement between Century boda boda motorcycle association and Uganda Revenue Authority held at URA headquarters in Nakawa.

During the meeting, Hafsah Seguya Ag. Supervisor Tax Literacy educated the attendees on advance income tax saying the tax is paid by passenger service vehicles and goods/freight vehicles. She added that its a form of withholding tax as prescribed under Section 123 A of the Income Tax Act as amended.

Seguya further noted that owners of such vehicles are required to pay advance income tax for every such vehicle. “This enables the renewing of operating licenses,” she said.

In his remarks, Michael Masembe Ag. Manager Tax Education commended the boda boda operators for turning up and urged them to be tax compliant.

“Our Comrades the boda boda riders, you are the ones who know every good and bad roads, hospitals and schools. A fair contribution to the national treasury will widen service delivery,” he said.

Masembe also disclosed that tax trainings for the bodaboda community have resumed in Kampala and will spread to the rest of the country. The riders pledged to share the information on advance tax with their colleagues and appreciated URA for sensitizing them on its services especially free TIN registration.

“We shall not lose our money to brokers anymore, I now understand that I can travel to any URA office and be served majestically,” said Esco Joshua a rider at Revenue stage.

They also requested the tax education team to reach out to other boda boda riders at their different work stations.


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