L&D Launches 18th Intake of EACFFPC

By Irene Kabakama, Media Management

Learning and Development in conjunction with Customs have launched the 18th intake of the East Africa Customs and Freight Forwarding practicing Certificate (EACFFPC) online course that is commencing this week.

During the launch, Ag. Commissioner Customs Asadu Kisitu Kigozi congratulated the new cohort saying the program will create a great impact in facilitating trade.

He also asked the students to take up the best practices of professionalism, service delivery and integrity so as to improve the industry.

Ag. Assistant Commissioner Learning and Development (L&D) Sarah Nyamwenge credited the program for the improvement in service delivery from clearing agents.

 “We have made significant improvements in service quality to our clients and also change in attitude from clearing agents. This is because of the professionalism, efficiency and integrity that has been impacted through the program,” she said.

According to Blenda Nakkazi Supervisor L&D, the EACFFPC program that commenced in 2006 is recognized regionally but new states like South Sudan and DRC have not yet started its implementation.

“This is one way of improving our working relationship with URA and the freight & forwarding industry because it entails a comprehensive program that imparts both soft and technical skills in us.” John Kutabyami, chairman of the National Curriculum Implementation Committee commented.

The EACFFPC is an 8-months program that was put together to ensure professionalism with in the Clearing and Forwarding industry. Lessons are conducted in two semesters comprised of three modules.

This is to prepare the team for the free continental trade area which is the future.


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