URA Eastern enforcement teams intercept wheat flour

Despite far reaching consequences of smuggling like substandard goods on the market, those engaged in the “game” will hatch all tricks to avoid giving the taxman his dues. Olivia Nakawombe of Budadiri in Sironko district is one the latest culprits. Her profit margin from 131 cartons of Pembe wheat flour was cut short by the URA Mbale and Lwakhakha enforcement teams.

The smuggled wheat flour being loaded on the URA double-cabins in Sironko

She had illegally piled wheat flour in her shop and a nearby store for the remaining stock. However, following a tip off to our staff about Nakawombe ‘s persistent behavior, the flour of 131 cartons by 24 kilograms was seized.

Luke Kivumbi, a customs officer who was part of the operation explained that, Nakawombe will have her goods back after paying the required tax which is approximately UGX 10.8 million.

The Wheatflour that was picked from the nearby store in the Sironko

According to the URA enforcement report of July 2022, Outright smuggling is still one of the top offences after under declaration, Mis-declaration and Under valuation. Also in July alone, the total number of seizures were 325 attracting a total revenue recovery of UGX 352,923,735.

Meanwhile, Outright smuggling arises when goods are brought into the country without the required importation documents, or are disposed of in the local market without notifying the authorities. This in most cases is done to evade the payment of correct taxes, duties and other charges.

Additional Reporting by Luke Kivumbi


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